Sunday, October 25, 2009

8 weeks old!!

Robert is now 8 weeks old! He is smiling a bit more (still haven't been able to get a good photo though). He is growing strong, I'm thinking he's like 11 1/2 pounds now! He is already wearing 3 month clothes! I still don't understand how they come up with the sizing for these things. He is getting ready for Halloween and we just got our pumpkins yesterday, we will carve them sometime this week and take plenty of pics. During play time he can reach out and touch his toys more now, since his eye/hand coordination is imporoving and he gets a kick out of it when he makes them move. Overall he is proving to be a pretty fussy boogar, but everyday he gets better. :) This week he has been doing about 5 hour sleep stretches, so hopefully that will get longer and longer, or at least stay at 5! :) We figured out that if we top off his feeding RIGHT before bedtime, he holds out longer! Way to go buddy!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

6 weeks old!

Baby Robert is doing great! He can roll from his back to his left side, so that is impressive, he hasn't smiled yet (only when he's falling asleep) but that should happen VERY soon! I will capture that moment for sure and share it with everyone. He is not sleeping through the night yet, but he let's us have a 4 hour stretch and then a 2 1/2 hour stretch, so that is nice of him. :)

We are just doing our thing during the day, eating, pooping, peeing, playing, sleeping, strolling and then eating again. So we are having a good ol' time. :) I only have 6 weeks left to hang with him so we better live it up! I'll post more pics during the week.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009

5 weeks old!!

So we have been lucky enough to have a neighbor right across the street that had a baby girl in July. It has been nice to talk to her about our sleepless nights and everything else that is going on with Baby Robert. She goes back to work on Monday (bummer) but we will still walk when she gets off work. :) Robert is doing great, he weighed 9 lbs on Monday and is still eating like a champ. He slept for a 4 hour stretch last night, so that was AWESOME!! Hoping for some more of those nights. :) Here are a few pics, that is his girlfriend Evie in the stroller next to him. Her full name is Evelyn.