Thursday, March 19, 2009

15 week belly pic

So this week, people at work have actually started to say they can see a bump coming on. Prior to that, I guess they just felt bad for me cause I was still carrying around Thanksgiving weight.....who knows.... :)

I'm catching up to Curt, any day now..I'll surpase him. :)


  1. it is really starting to show yet. So are you gonna wear haulter tops now so your stomach will stick out? isn't that what they do in the south??? j/k You are going to have the cutest pregnancy belly!

  2. what a cute belly. keep the utter cream nearby for stretch marks. haha. i bet you wont get any and selena will be jealous. :) it looks cute, and kinda just like a chick beer belly. :) it feels like it is going by so fast. well at least for me all the way over here.
