Wednesday, May 27, 2009

25 week belly!

We are nearly 25 weeks, baby is getting bigger and keeps me up at night from time to time with his kicks and punches. Sometimes I think he's laying directly on my bladder, but I'm sure he wouldn't intentionally do that to me....would he?? :) I have my glucose check next week, so hopefully all the ice cream I've been eating hasn't given me diabetes, we'll find out! I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Robert William's Nursery

So today we finished hanging up everything in the nursery. The only thing missing is his name above his crib, we are either going to paint wood letters and hang those, or just stencil it out and paint it. Not sure yet. So except for the name above the crib, this is a pretty much completed project. WAY ahead of schedule, just like we like it. One less thing to do. Check out the beautiful doggie, such a good girl! :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beautiful Baby Boy! 24 weeks

Today we had a 3D ultrasound! The reason was to identify exactly where the placenta is located to make sure it all comes out at birth (lovely thought...I know). :) So we got to see our little boy's face for the first time! I think he looks like daddy, we are so in love with him! Can't wait to meet the little boogar!

His eyes are still sealed shut for a few more weeks, he weighs in at 1 1/2 pounds and they estimate he will likely be an 8 pounder! But that could change down the road (let's hope NOT bigger...OUCH!) The umbilical cord kept getting in his face and he was constantly squirming around, which is why some of them appear to be blurry or "scary" looking. :) Enjoy our cutie patootie!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

23 week belly

Today we are 23 weeks! Just think in only 15-17 weeks (hopefully) we will have a baby! Crazy when you think about it like that! I don't think I look much bigger than 20 weeks, but I could be wrong. The baby is mostly just gaining weight this week and his little lungs are developing to be able to better breath in the outside world. He has been more active throughout the day and I can feel some of his kicks from the outside. Whenever I wake up around 2am, I can feel him moving around alot (great! he's already on a bad schedule!) He's a night owl. He's probably about 1.5 lbs this week and still about 11.5 inches long, so he's just fattening up along with mommy. Daddy thinks we both look great though! (smart man) :) HA!! Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Congratulations to my Brother! The U.S. MARINE!!

I wanted everyone to see my brother Robby, he graduated as a United States Marine from his San Diego Boot Camp on May 8th!! Now that is one handsome dude! Congratulations Uncle Robby!!!!! :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

22 Week Ultrasound

So today we went for our anatomy ultrasound, they said baby Robert looks VERY healthy, he is now a whopping 1 lb 1 oz, and growing strong. Heart looks great, ten toes, ten fingers, two legs, to arms, no cleft lip, etc. He was moving around left and right, sucking his thumb. I think we got a ham on our hands. :) I am feeling him every day now, but they are still few and far between, in the next couple of weeks, I should start to feel him from the outside (stronger) and possibly even SEE him move. Crazy huh!! Enjoy the pics of our strong little baby, Robert William.