So Friday was our 37 week mark! He's coming soon! On Wednesday I had my 2nd ultrasound to confirm that Baby Robert is still breech, and yes indeed he is. He is averaging 8 lbs 4 oz, so he's already quite the hefty fella, healthy boy! That is just an average though, he could be more or less, so we'll just have to wait and see. They also said that I was already 2 centimeters dilated and 75% effaced. You have to be 5 and 100% to be in active labor, so I think my body is slowly progressing towards that big event. Since he is breech, I have a scheduled c-section on September 8th at 12:30pm. With my dilation and effacement the doctor said it's VERY possible he will come sooner than that, BUT...some women sit dilated forever, so we'll just have to wait and see, I guess he'll come when he's good and ready. :)
At the most we have 2 weeks (from Tuesday) left, could be less, so we'll see our little boogar soon enough! :) Can't wait!
I'll keep you all posted with my next appt this Thursday.