Thursday, August 6, 2009

35 week belly pic!

So we are now 35 weeks! What would be only 5 weeks left, may actually be only 4! We went for our growth scan today and Baby Robert is weighing in at 6 1/2 pounds already! He is a big boy!! His head is measuring large (ouch) and he is still breech (in the head UP position). The doctor said that if he doesn't turn in 2 weeks, that we will schedule a c-section for week 39. I said "it's not likely he's going to turn at 6 1/2 pounds is it" and she said "no, not really". So unless a miracle happens, this baby boy will be gracing us with his presence 1 week early and in an operating room. It is what it is, either way, we get to meet our baby boy very soon and we can't wait!!! :) I am now going to the doc every week, but my next ultrasound in two weeks will tell us if he's turned or not. I'll keep you all posted! Wish us luck!!


  1. is he sucking his thumb? how cute!

  2. AWESOME>>>>>>>>>>>

    You guys will be great parents, can hardly wait to see the lil fella..........

    Frank & Erica
