Thursday, July 9, 2009

31 week belly pic!

So tomorrow we are 31 weeks pregnant, only 9 weeks to go! :)

I had my growth scan today and found out that Robert weighs in at a whopping 4 pounds 3 oz., he's HUGE!! He's about 2.5 weeks above the average weight at his gestional age, which means he's VERY healthy and growing strong. I'm still predicting an 8 pounder on D day!! (delivery day, not dooms day) :)

He was very active with a heartbeat of 143, which is perfect, his feet were by his head and he was moving up a storm for the technician. She could feel him pushing on the ultrasound peice when she was moving it around. He gets the hiccups about 3 to 4 times a day, I'm guessing my amniotic fluid is pretty tasty! He swallows it, and then gets the hiccups, this means that he is doing what he is supposed to in practicing breathing technique. He's so smart, getting ready for his big appearance, such a planner, just like Mommy! :)

Our next appointment is on July 22nd and my next growth ultrasound will be around August 14th, where I'm thinking he'll be around 7 pounds (if I'm calculating right). I'll keep everyone posted in a couple weeks.

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